
eMAXIS Slim 米国株式 S&P500の毎日積み立て始めました。since July 2019

【朗報】症状の無い新型コロナ陽性者から感染することは極稀 by WHO

信頼が地に堕ちた悪名高きWHO。本当はWHOではなくCHO (China Health Organization)なので 、その発表を真に受けるのは抵抗無いわけではありませんが、非常に興味深いメッセージですのでご紹介します。

最初に結論を言ってしまえば、新型コロナは症状の無い人や症状の出る前の人から感染することは「ごくまれ」( very rare )ということ。WHOの見立てです。



Preliminary evidence from the earliest outbreaks indicated that the virus could spread from person-to-person contact, even if the carrier didn’t have symptoms. But WHO officials now say that while asymptomatic spread can occur, it is not the main way it’s being transmitted.

“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.”


She acknowledged that some studies have indicated asymptomatic or presymptomatic spread in nursing homes and in household settings.

More research and data are needed to “truly answer” the question of whether the coronavirus can spread widely through asymptomatic carriers, Van Kerkhove added.

“We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing,” she said. “They’re following asymptomatic cases. They’re following contacts. And they’re not finding secondary transmission onward. It’s very rare.”


If asymptomatic spread proves to not be a main driver of coronavirus transmission, the policy implications could be tremendous. A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published on April 1 cited the “potential for presymptomatic transmission” as a reason for the importance of social distancing.

もし無症状者からの感染が新型コロナ感染拡大の主たる力(main driver)ではないのだとしたら、政策への影響は非常に大きい。なぜなら米国CDCは4月1日にソーシャルディスタンスの重要性は症状が出る前の陽性者からの感染の可能性があるからとしていたから。

“What we really want to be focused on is following the symptomatic cases,” Van Kerkhove said. “If we actually followed all of the symptomatic cases, isolated those cases, followed the contacts and quarantined those contacts, we would drastically reduce” the outbreak.




